Trail of the Thief, The

Release Date:   June 01, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, John Farrell, Meta Drinkwitz, Marie Van Tassell,
Story Summary:
Martin Gale, manager of the detective agency, secretly loves Dorothy Baird, a clever woman operative, in his employ, and presents her with a small revolver engraved with her name. He is a man's man, a terror to criminals, but rather shy of women. Dorothy is assigned to a party given for a society debutante, where she meets James Vallon, a popular and wealthy young fellow and they are attracted to each other. A valuable necklace disappears while Dorothy is talking to Vallon. She is chagrined, but the hostess decides not to follow it up, as it would put suspicion on her guests. Dorothy meets Vallon later and they become much interested in each other, although she is warned by Gale that Vallon closely resembles a crook for whom he is looking. Dorothy is assigned to watch a suspicious individual who has been hanging around a jewelry store belonging to a client. The man senses her business and arranges with his confederates to get her out of the way. He comes out of a saloon and enters a taxi. She enters another one standing near, and is seized and bound and carried to the crook's rendezvous, where they intend holding her until after the contemplated robbery. Imprisoned in a windowless room, she is confronted by Vallon to their mutual surprise. She is revealed a detective, he a thief. She spurns him, and he, in a maudlin condition, presents her with the necklace he stole and attempts to force her to his desire. Gale is worried at Dorothy's failure to return and waits at the office while the crooks are pulling the job. An electric signal tells him of tampering with the vault, and, with his men, he hurries to the store. The thieves are captured. Dorothy's revolver found, a confession forced, and Gale goes to her rescue in time to save her from Vallon and earn her love. - Moving Picture World, June 10, 1916
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