Release of Dan Forbes, The

Release Date:   May 29, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, William Stowell, Harry Von Meter,
Story Summary:
The flickering flame of manhood flashes long enough in the breast of "Piper" Stark to prompt him to clear Dan Forbes of the charge of murder and to place the stamp of virtue on the brow of Alice Forbes. Nearing the end of the prison term, Dan Forbes is filled with tender thoughts of the little wife he left behind. He is wondering if she will still be there - if she has remained true - will she love him? Wearied at the glove counter of a department store, Alice, his wife, is beset with the double danger of poverty and sin, the latter held alluringly before her face by "Piper" Stark, who tries by every argument and bribe to lure her from her allegiances to her prisoner husband. By good behavior Dan saves several months on his term, and on his release goes back to look for Alice. He cannot muster up the courage to enter the department store where she works, and wanders in a saloon. Unknown to him "Flick" Moran, the man who turned the state's evidence that sent him to prison, is also in the saloon. During the bartender's momentary absence, "Flick" is murdered and because of Dan's known animosity toward him, circumstantial evidence points to him and he flees. The evening newspapers accuse him of the crime. Unaware of this, Alice is again approached by "Piper" Stark, whom she endeavors to avoid. She rushes into a vacant flat in which she suddenly finds her husband hiding. There is an affecting scene in which she falls upon his breast with all her old love and confidence renewed. "Piper" appears, and Dan hides for safety in a closet. "Piper" renews his attentions to Alice - handles her roughly, and stirs the anger of Dan, who, rushing from his place of concealment, grapples with "Piper," fights down three flights of stairs and into the hands of the police. Bruised and bleeding from his severe beating at the hands of Dan, "Piper" recovers consciousness for a moment and in a flash of manhood, declares that he saw the murder committed, that "Dan is innocent and that Dan's wife is straight." - Moving Picture World, June 3, 1916
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