
Release Date:   May 26, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Writer(s):   Karl Coolidge,
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Dick La Reno, Anna Little, Marguerite Nichols,
Story Summary:
Jack is just a cowboy on the Gilman cattle ranch. Born and bred of the West, he is broad minded and easy going. In direct contrast to him is Frances, a girl of the East, who comes to the West with Gilman's daughter. Frances has been born and brought up in wealth and culture, and does not understand the cowboy who refuses to cater to her whims but who tries to dominate her. Later, when he proposes to her, she accepts him. She leaves for the East, promising to marry him when her course at school is finished. Jack sets about to build a cabin for their home. While at her home in the East, Frances is constantly being urged by Raymond Welton, a club man, to forget the rough cowboy, and marry him. In the end she agrees. Jack's cabin has been completed, when one day he receives a letter from Frances, in which she tells him that she has made a great mistake, and asks that he release her from their engagement. Stunned, he goes to the cabin which he has so carefully finished, and pouring oil about it, set it afire. Gilman, from his ranch, sees the flames. Jack is taken from the burning cabin. A doctor is hastily summoned, and pronounces the burns very serious. Too late Frances realizes that it is Jack she loves. Downstairs the guests are waiting for the bridal couple to appear. Then comes a telegram from Gilman's daughter stating that if Frances cares to see Jack alive, she must come at once. Quickly she tears off her trousseau, and donning a traveling suit, she rushes away from her hysterical mother, bursts through the astounded wedding guests,-- and reaches the railroad station. The doctor states that a man in Jack's condition, especially when he does not care to live, has no chance, but at this juncture Frances arrives, and when Jack realizes that she is with him his attitude changes and he survives. - The Moving Picture World-Pg. June 3, 1916, 1749-1750
Unique Occurences
Music was played on the set to provide the actors with the atmosphere and emotions present in the scenes being filmed on April 21st. - Santa Barbara Morning Press, April 22, 1916, Pg 6-7
Additional Info

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