Twenty Minutes In Magic

Release Date:   May 21, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Writer(s):   Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, John Gough, Lucille Ward, Rea Berger,
Story Summary:
Presto, a bartender imagines himself a clever mystic as well as a juggler. He Practices his art with beer glasses much to the chagrin of Omalery who owns the place. Omalery’s daughter, Eileen, is an interested spectator to the antics of her loved one. Omalery can’t see the art Presto is roughly impressed with the news that he must look for another job. Being an industrious chap he soon learns that Maji an East Indian fakir, is in need of an assistant and Presto applies for the position. Maji impresses his power and it is a sad nervous assistant that undertakes his duties. Even the statues that guard the entrance to Maji’s apartments are under his mystic spell. An unwieldy tough enter the place and almost starts a rumpus when Maji proves to him that the “chicken” with whom he has been keeping company, is untrue, but the Mystic’s subtle power averts the crisis. Maji goes out for a stroll and leaves the apartment in the care of Presto, who, while snooping around, finds the source of the mystic’s uncanny power- a box of pills which taken every twenty minutes endows him with his magic. Presto takes a chance and a pill, and finds to his amusement that he is as good a mystic as the Indian. Taking the box of pills for future use he starts on his merry way to the Amalery liquid dispensary that he might blind them with his magic and force them to terms. On the way he is seen by Maji who scenting trouble causes the pills to return to his care. Presto goes on unknowingly and arrives at the bar where he does things to please himself. Furnishing a minister, a license, and a ring, all in a jiffy, he starts a marriage ceremony. He is about to fulfill his fondest hopes when the clock strikes the fatal minute and like a haze his power fades away. He feels for another pill but finds the box gone. Omalery comes out of the trance and hands Presto a lesson and start into the street, a sadder but wiser man. -Moving Picture World May 27 1916
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