Pretender, The

Release Date:   May 15, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Robert Klein, Lizette Thorne, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
Stuart Kendall and Phyllis Arnold are engaged to be married. At this time, Phyllis’ father Robert Arnold becomes associated with Charleston Lane in a big business deal. When Lane becomes aware that Phyllis has a great influence on her father, he tries to influence her so that he can scam her father out of a lot of money. He tells Phyllis to go see a psychic because he has information for her about her father’s big business deal. Lane then pays the psychic to tell Phyllis that her father should go along with the deal. Lane’s plan to cheat Phyllis’ father out of a lot of money is successful until Phyllis’ fiancee Stuart finds out and forces the psychic to confess the whole thing. The story ends with Phyllis, her father and her fiancee driving to the minister’s to get married while Lane walks away planning another scheme. - Moving Picture World May 27, 1916
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