Deacon's Card, The

Release Date:   May 14, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Josephine Taylor, Joseph Massey,
Story Summary:
The deacon has been elected president of the Smithville Anti-Gambling League and his admirers, led by Parson Jones, are arranging to start a whirlwind crusade against the gamblers. He has a winsome daughter, Nora, with whom Tom is much in love, and proposes to her the night of the deacon's election to his high, distinguished position among the hosts of reform. Naturally Nora refers Tom to her father, the deacon, and Tom, in his perturbation, pulls out his handkerchief and dashes a deck of cards to the floor. Tom is banished at once. The deacon gets down on his knees to pick up the cards, and just at that moment the Anti-Gambling League Committee calls. The deacon thrusts the cards in his coat-tail pocket to get them out of sight, and at the request of the Committee launches upon a fervid speech against gambling. In the meantime, Nora and Tom have seized the opportunity to elope and get married. Waxing eloquent in his oratory, the deacon pulls handkerchief to wipe his heated brow and scatters the cards all over his hearers. They denounce him as a hypocrite. He rushes to get Nora to prove how he got the cards, but finds her gone. The Committee calls on the Parson to demand the deacon's expulsion from the church and finds that dignitary in the act of marrying Tom and Nora. After promising to withdraw all objections to Tom, the latter exonerates him of the blame in the card matter. Tom signs the pledge to abstain from card playing in future. - Moving Picture World, October 7, 1916
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
Advertised as “a picturized sermon against the evils of organizing anti-gambling clubs” - Motography, September 20, 1916, p. 765

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