Profligate, The

Release Date:   May 11, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
Because Richard Potter is poor he cannot pay attentions to Irene Roberts, Gerald Winters, son of Irene must marry money. Gerald Winters, son of David Winters, banker, is the man Mrs. Roberts has selected for Irene. Gerald is always out for a good time and when he cannot meet his debts he steals money from his father’s bank. In an effort to destiny the I. O. U.’s held by the keeper of gambling house the owner is killed and Winters is tried and accused of murder. Richard Potter has arisen to the position of prosecutting attorney and when Irene learns of the fate of Gerald, for his father’s sake she goes to the attorney and pleads with him. The attorney finally calls up the Mayor, asking for the granting of another trial, but the Mayor will not consent unless other testimony can be secured. Winters is to be prosecuted at one minute after midnight. One half hour before the time of prosecution a much disheveled personage comes staggering into the office of the prosecuting attorney and confesses to the murder of the gambling house keeper. He further testifies that Winters ruined his daughter Polly and in order to be revenged he tried to kill Winters, but during the struggle of Winters and the keeper the bullet struck the keeper. With this new testimony Potter endeavors to reach the mayor, but he is not at home. By winning a case for an electrician in the charge of the lighting of the state institutions, Potter learns that the manipulation of a single lever throws the state institutions into darkness. The time passes rapidly and not knowing what to do Potter rushes of and puts all the state institutions into darkness. At 12 o’clock the men around the electric plant note that the lever has been touched and switch the power turned on shortly makes another effort to reach the Mayor and this time succeeds. News of the innocence of winters reaches the prosecutors in the nick of time. Mrs. Roberts, realizing the nobleness of Potter willingly gives her consent to their marriage and the story closes with a most happy ending. Exhibitors Herald, May 20, 1916
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