
Release Date:   December 26, 1910
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Adriene Kroell,
Story Summary:
Three bachelor maids vowed never to get married. A handsome young man rushed into their sleeping apartment while fleeing from the police for no reason made known. He tried to escape over an ironing board stretched across to the next apartment. Though he was over the airshaft, he fell and landed on the bed of a lady sleeping on the floor below...The next scene the three girls were working in the office of this young man, whither they had been previously summoned. He came in with the ironing board, a rather silly piece of business, and the girls left in disgust. It certainly was a strangely conducted business office. The men followed the girls to their apartment, and persuaded them to give up their bachelor ideas. Then they were all married... The New York Dramatic Mirror, January 4, 1911, p. 31
Unique Occurences
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