Billy Van Deusen's Ancestry

Release Date:   May 03, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   Al Santell, Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   John Steppling, Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, Robert Klein,
Story Summary:
BillyVan Deusen asleep, the goddess of dreams transports him back to the days of his ancestors. Billy is informed that he must retake the castle, but Dom, Irma's right-hand man, taking many brave knights, sallies forth. Van Deusen and his knights are ambushed by Dom. Billy is forced to flee. Dom gives chase and drives Billy to the doors of the castle. He is being prodded to death with lances, when Irma is apprised of his position. Irma releases him and gives him royal welcome. Dom is handed the cold shoulder; plans a siege and capture of the castle. Entrance is gained. Irma is in the midst of festivities given in honor of Billy , when the party enters. Billy is held as the star prisoner. Dom informs Irma that if Billy is immediately burned at the stake he will allow the castle to continue on in its former plane. But, hero-like, Billy insists that he be the sacrifice. They lead him to the death chamber. Irma commits suicide on her knight's word. The flames leap for their prey. Then he awakes in front of his own fireplace, his slipper afire and his brain in a turmoil. - Moving Picture World May 13, 1916: p. 1216
Unique Occurences
According to Mutual's trade magazine, REEL LIFE, the title was spelled "Ancestrie."
Additional Info

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