Unlucky Luke

Release Date:   April 28, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Richardson, Frank Borzage, Anna Little, John Gough,
Story Summary:
Luke Drummond, popularly known as "Unlucky Luke,” and Seth Powers, his friend and chum, have a mock quarrel over a new school teacher as to who saw her first. They roll in the dirt to the disgust of the lady herself, who witnesses the bout, though she does not know the cause. Lucy, the new teacher, passes on. Presents her papers to Ezra Smead, the School Supervisor, and in due time takes up her teaching. Luke and Seth, in common with many other citizens are unsettled by the charm and grace of the new teacher. The two young men vie with each other as to which shall escort her home from school, leading to humorous situations. Luke is the ranch blacksmith. He trains and gentles a horse, and shoes him carefully with the intention of presenting him to Lucy as a gift. She refuses for reasons of delicacy. The social season at Gopher Flats is inaugurated with a dance. Seth plays a practical joke on Luke, turning the laugh on him. Ezra Smead, the school Supervisor, also is enamored of Lucy. He calls at the school and proposes. Luke interrupts the scene and declares that if Smead does not vamoose at once he will tell all about his wife and their children. Though this is all a bluff, Smead takes the first train out. Seth is refused in due time by Lucy. Also Luke. They shake dice to see which will go away, and Unlucky Luke is forced to go. Lucy learns he is going, mounts Seth's horse, and follows to the top of a hill near town. There is a pretty scene and Luke takes off his hat and scratches “UN” out of his name. -The Moving Picture World, May 13, 1916.
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