Broken Genius, A

Release Date:   April 27, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lizette Thorne, George Field,
Story Summary:
Karl Rittman, a young artist, quarrels with his wife because she objects to his using models in his studio. To quiet her he agrees not to use them again and for a while they get along all right together. Having much time on her hands, the wife meets Hemingway, a society parasite, and when he learns of her objection to her husband's using models he uses this means to bring about a separation between the pair and then persuades the wife flee with him. Rittman gives up this profession and swears that he will never rest until he has avenged himself on the man who ruined his life. After months of wandering he finally located his wife living in a small town under an assumed name and is crushed to learn that she has a baby. Hemingway has been imprisoned because of a band robbery and escapes at the same time Rittman comes to his wife's home. Rittman is about to kill the man who wronges him when he learns that he is the father of the child that his wife separated from Hemingway a few hours after she ran away with him as he was placed under arrest. Hemingway's health has been impaired by his imprisonment and he dies in his attempt to escape Rittman and his wife are reconciled. -Exhibitors Herald - May 6, 1916
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