Bugs and Bugles

Release Date:   April 26, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Steppling, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
Gen. Hoakum Jazbo, a retired soldier, keeps a small hotel in a smaller town. He has a bell hop and general roustabout named Ogee Gobb. Days pass without any visitors stopping in at the hotel. Finally Mr. and Mrs. Dulge arrive. Ogee has a sweetheart named Susie, who is chambermaid at the hotel, and because Susie and Mr. Dugle and Ogee and Mrs. Dulge are attracted to each other a mixup follows which is only straightened out when all the warring parties get together. -Exhibitors Herald - May 6, 1916
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