Counterfeit Earl, The

Release Date:   April 24, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Carl LeViness
Confirmed Cast:   George Periolat, Vivian Rich, Louise Lester, Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
This production might be termed a crook comedy drama. At any rate it is very amusing and affords George Periolat a fine opportunity for a display of versatility. As Lord Twombly, the English blueblood, who is being entertained by Mrs. Bronson, a newly-rich western woman, with a view to arranging a match between him and her pretty daughter Lucy, he is dignified and haughty as becomes his station. As the "Banjo-eyed Kid," a notorious crook, he is merry as well as cunning, and for the sake of the story makes a mess of things at its close, when as he fills his pockets with the household jewels and is spied upon and trapped by the ranch woman whose gun is always handy. Should circumstances not have so arranged themselves the real Lord Twombly, whom the crook so splendidly impersonated, might have met with the inconvenience of spending some time in jail. The picture will be found an enjoyable one. Louise Lester as the ranch woman, Mrs. Bronson, makes an excellent type and carries out the intention of the character in a very amusing way. Vivian Rich plays the role of Lucy, her daughter, and Alfred Vosburgh is the handsome lover who wins out in the end when Lord Twombly calmly informs the ambitious mother that he would be most happy to grant her request and make her daughter his wife but for the fact that he is already engaged to the daughter of Lord Cavendish. The mother wilts while the lovers rejoice. -The Moving Picture World - April 19, 1916
Unique Occurences
George Periolat plays a dual-role in this film as the crook and the count.
Additional Info

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