Bookworm's Blessed Blunders, The

Release Date:   April 23, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Phil Walsh
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Ignatius is the proprietor of a small secondhand book store, and a confirmed bookworm with his nose invariably stuck in a book. A bell on the table by which he sits is used by customers to arouse him when his services are needed. En route home, and reading as he goes along, Ignatius absently wanders into the house next door. So engrossed that he does not notice the mistake, he seats himself at the table and starts to eat. The spinster Cully, thinking that he is courting her, sets out a feed in front of him, and Ignatius goes on eating and reading until he chances to look up and sees her. It is a beginning of a romance for both. But Ignatius is poor and realizes that he must have more money before he can wed. As he is counting his savings, a customer enters and purchases a book. Another customer, and a third, receive the same treatment. Ignatius discovers what he has done, and decides it will be a good way to liven up business. The customers find the bills and hasten back to the store for more book. Again each of them is given a bill. They inform their friends of their discovery and Ignatius' bookstore does a big business - selling out completely, and Ignatius finds himself quite well off, while the customers learn that the flow of bills has ceased. Ignatius calls up the spinster, tells her of his good fortune, and suggests that they marry. - Moving Picture World, April 29, 1916
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