Husband's Deception, A

Release Date:   December 22, 1910
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Gilbert Hamilton
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Adriene Kroell, Dot Farley,
Story Summary:
Tells the story of an over-affectionate wife, who, being brought up in a rural environment, finds herself mistress of her own home, with a handsome, debonair husband. Her love for him is so great that she cannot refrain from kissing and coddling him at every opportunity. Her affection becomes a bore to him, so he invents a scheme by which he finds relief from her too-loving onslaughts. He induces his companion, an elderly doctor, to write him a letter saying that in his nervous condition he requires absolute rest, and advises that they occupy separate apartments. The wife tearfully accepts the conditions. The husband procures a dummy figure of himself. This he places carefully in his bed, and leaves the room by a window which opens on his lawn. The wife, looking through the keyhole of his bedroom, can distinguish the figure, and contents herself in the belief that it is that of her husband, while he, taking advantage of her innocence, is out for the night, having a good time with his friends and the doctor. Everything is moving along smoothly for the two husbands, until the doctor's wife takes a hand and unravels the story by discovering the dummy and exposing the gay deceivers. - Moving Picture World, January 7, 1911
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "A Troublesome Parcel"
Additional Info

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