Improbable Yarn of McQuirk, The

Release Date:   April 16, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Phil Walsh
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey,
Story Summary:
Jerry McQuirk, an old sailor, and Jamie, a boy of about eight years, are companions in idleness. Jerry whiles away the time relating a lurid history of his experiences in being cast upon a cannibal isle. He repeatedly drops the story at a critical moment, and has to be prodded by Jamie. Jerry's tale is about a time when he is cast from shipwreck on the cannibal isle, where the king decided he was too thin to eat, whereat the cannibals started Jerry on a fattening process. However, Jerry circumvents them by eating profusely the leaves of the Skinaree plant, which keeps him thin. Finally, Hookum tires of waiting and orders Jerry cooked as he is. Amongst the wreckage from his ship, Jerry finds a phonograph and a can of powder. While amusing the natives with the phonograph, he blows them up with the powder, and Jerry lives to tell the tale. Moving Picture World, April 1, 1916
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