Flickering Light, A

Release Date:   April 14, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Harry Von Meter, Nita Davis,
Story Summary:
It Is the story of a girl of the western dance halls who had been told by unscrupulous ruffiian that no man would ever marry a girl like her. One night a ranchman happens into the saloon, notices tbe girl, and later in a state of Intoxication asks her to marry him. To evade the other man, who Is to return later, to make good an evil proposition she accepts the ranchman. The development of the story after this point Is especially human and attractive. - Moving Picture World, April 29th, 1916
Unique Occurences
According to company records the working title for this project was "The Awakening". This has caused some confusion including miscredited reviews in the trade papers.
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