Pendulum of Chance

Release Date:   April 13, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lizette Thorne, George Field,
Story Summary:
Pendulum of Chance The head of his own business, a solid, substantial concern, Carl Churchill feels that he is successful. He is pleased with the slow, steady development and follows the customs inaugurated by his father, the founder of the company. Alice Churchill, his wife, is, however, of a different stamp. She tries to awaken Carl's ambition, at least to the point where he will change his business policies. At this time Ned Wallace, formerly in love with Alice, and Carl's rival, speculated unsuccessfully and establishes a brokerage business in competition with Carl. He also meets Alice again and eventually Carl becomes aware of Alice's admiration for Wallace, and the discovery stings him to determination. He takes efficiency as his motto and commences to reconstruct his business accordingly. Under the new plan the first to go is Samuel Pelton, his aged bookkeeper, confidential man and the advisor of his father before him. The old man, cast adrift at his time in his life, is unable to obtain employment and is soon in actual need. Meanwhile, as Carl becomes absorbed in his work, Alice turns to Wallace. At a time when Carl's every effort is concentrated upon the big deal by which he hopes to clear a fortune, Pelton sees Wallace in company with Alice. His conclusion is that Carl's indifference has spoiled her life as well as his. It rouses his hatred of Carl to fury. He determines to see Wallace and through him endeavor to wreck his vengeance upon Carl. He calls upon Wallace at the exact moment when, having been refused by Alice, he has decided to break Carl to get her. Wallace accepts Pelton's cooperation and he is sent back to Carl to beg back his position and act as Wallace's spy. This succeeds as Carl is at the time in need of certain statistics which Pelton possesses. Through Pelton's aid, Wallace ruins Carl, and Pelton, knowing Carl's plans, wins heavily in the market and becomes the firm's chief creditor. He discharges Carl immediately as inefficient, the same cause for which Carl had, a few months previously, discharged him. Returning home late that night, Carl struggles to determine the course to take. Silently he slips into his room and packs, but Alice is awake and watching. Her eyes open to Wallace's methods, she is only too glad to receive Carl's forgiveness and go with him to start in anew. Moving Picture World, April 22, 1916
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