Peanuts and Powder

Release Date:   April 12, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, John Steppling, Rea Berger, Mary Talbot,
Story Summary:
Puff, a fanatical inventor, has invented a peanut of high explosive power. Grex, a foreign agent tries to win Kreemie, Puff's beautiful daughter, for the purpose of gaining possession of Puff's formula. He is foiled in this attempt by Arthur, her brave lover. Puff tries the deadly peanut on a squirrel, which is blown to atoms. Grex plots to steal the formula by night. Kreemie awakens and they bind and gag her and carry her off. They are chased by Puff and Arthur on motorcycles, following a trail of the stolen peanuts which have been dropped. Kreemie refuses to give up the formula, although Grex threatens to make her eat a loaded peanut. They have also abducted the pet monkey, which proves their undoing, for he eats a peanut which blows up their shack and the villians, While Arthur and Puff escape with the charming Kreemie. - Moving Picture World, April 15, 1916
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