Under Azure Skies

Release Date:   April 08, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Writer(s):   Art Acord, Karl Coolidge,
Confirmed Cast:   Art Acord, Nita Davis, Larry Peyton, Dick La Reno, Madeline Fordyce,
Story Summary:
Bill Hardy, fresh from the cow country with a load of steers, cashes in his six months' paycheck, and is drawn into a card game by a couple of sharks at a "club". He discovers he is being cheated and gets into a fight, from which he emerges by way of a secret chute, badly battered and minus his pile. Bill is rescued by Nell, a nurse in the Salvation Army Hospital, and cared for until he is able to go on. He is ashamed to face the boys with the story of his mishap, so he drops off at a strange pasture. By saving Mrs. Dennis from a runaway, Bill wins a place on the Flying U Ranch, owned by big hearted "Pop" Dennis. This is not to the liking of Jim, the foreman, who scents a rival. Mrs. Dennis is an invalid and Dennis decides to send for a nurse. Bill suggests the little nurse he left behind, with his heart, and she comes to make the cowboys of the Flying U take notice. Jim with some of the others is rushing Dennis' cattle. Jim falls for Nell, and exercises his authority to interfere with her companionship with Bill. Bill gets his further enmity by riding a bucker Jim could not manage and he knocks Bill down, for which he is discharged. Jim plans to get a big bunch of cattle before he goes and his plan is overheard by one of the boys, who notifies Dennis, and they take the trail. Nell and Bill, riding, are attacked by Jim and his gang. Bill is roped, but Nell escapes. As Jim is about to string Bill up, Nell rides through, cuts the rope and Bill, jumping on behind the cowboy who has come to warn them, they escape. In the end Bill is happily tethered with Nell and the baby. - Moving Picture World, April 22, 1916
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