Two Bits

Release Date:   April 07, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Borzage
Writer(s):   Karl Coolidge,
Confirmed Cast:   Anna Little, Frank Borzage, Jack Richardson, Mark Thorne,
Story Summary:
James Hardeman, United States Marshal, is advised by the chief of the secret service bureau at San Francisco that the counterfeiters for whom the have been long searching, seem to have their headquarters somewhere in the vicinity of the little cattle town of Red Gulch, and Hardeman is ordered to proceed there and investigate. Selling bouquets of wild flowers at twenty-five cents a bunch, Bess, an orphan. has become known only as "Two Bits." A passenger on the Limited that goes through Red Gulch daily purchases a bouquet from her, but finds that he has only a twenty dollar bill to offer her. Two Bits can't change it, but Jed Simpson, the sheriff, comes to her aid and breaks the bill for her. Hardeman arrives, and is also induced to purchase a bouquet. In his room Hardeman finds a counterfeit dollar bill in his pocketbook, and realizes that the only place he could have obtained it was from the flower girl. He learns that Two Bits lives in a little cabin in Mission Canyon, and subsequently succeeds in forming an acquaintanceship with her. Jed Simpson, who has long been a suitor for Two Bits, proposes, but is rejected. Hardeman chances to come upon an old shack in a valley, and finds that it contains counterfeiting apparatus. He digs his way into the shack, and in one corner of the room places a camera, concealing it well, and arranging a rubber tubing and bulb under a loose plank on the floor, so that by squashed, and flash light exposure registered. Al Morely, the deputy sheriff, notices James' state of mind, and tells him that if it is Two Bits that's worrying him, that he knows a way by which he could probably land her. Years ago he allowed her father to build his cabin on his land, and he now proposes that he tells Two Bits that she must either pay up at once or get out. She would then be very glad to have a home offered to her. She is later informed of this decision. One night the counterfeiters come to the shack. Suddenly the flashlight brightens up the room, one of the men having stepped on the loose plank. They realize that something is wrong, but are unable to discover just what it is. Hardeman comes t o Two Bits and questions her concerning a counterfeit bill which he received from her at the depot. She tells him that she got it from Jed. Two Bits concludes that Hardeman has been coming to see her in order to discover whether of not she was with this gang, and, deeply hurt, denounces him and leaves. Returning to her cabin, Two Bits sees the daily auto stage passing, and it suggests a plan to her. Hardeman finds that the counterfeiters have fallen into this trap, and hurrying back to town, has the film developed and printed. Not feeling that he has conclusive evidence against his men, he starts out for the shack to waylay them there. But as he comes around a curve on the road, he sees in the distance the auto stage being held up by a masked bandit. He uses his field glasses, and when he sees a braid of hair slip from under the bandit's hat, he realizes that it must be Two Bits. He hurries to the scene, swings the bandit to his saddle, and rides into the underbrush. He pulls the mask from the bandit's face, and finds that his deductions are correct. She tells hims that she stands to lose her garden, her home and all and that she had determined to get money to purchase the place at any cost. Seeing the passengers from the auto stage approaching, Hardeman leads Two Bits back to her cabin, and tells her to change to her own clothes at once. While he is waiting outside, he sees Jed and his deputy approaching. Two Bits not being in her own clothes, he enters - and thinking that the sheriff and deputy want her for the hold up, secludes himself in a loft about the room, intending to save Two Bits at any risk. Jed enters, and informs Two Bits that Morley is outside and that he is going to order her out at once. But Jed states that if she will agree to marry him, he will purchase the plot of land for her. Two Bits refuses, and Jed is about to seize her when he chances to look up and sees Hardeman covering him with a gun. The deputy now enters, and is also covered by Hardeman.The searching party from the auto come to the cabin and find Hardeman holding up the sheriff and his deputy. They demand an explanation, but Hardeman succeeds in satisfying them when he displays a flashlight phootgraph of the counterfeiters in their den, and the counterfeiters are Jed, the sheriff, and Morely, his deputy. With his two prisoners Hardeman starts back to San Francisco, promising Two Bits that he will soon return and claim still another "prisoner." - Moving Picture World, April 15, 1916
Unique Occurences
Mutual's promotion credits Tom Chatterton but this film was directed by Borzage according to company records.
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