Ways of the World, The

Release Date:   April 03, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Director:   Carl LeViness
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
Ways of the World After her uncle's death, Mary Morrison learns that through her own extravagance his wealth has dwindled down to $50,000, to which she is the heiress. But Harvey Blake, her lawyer, informs her that there is a codicil to the will, and that this money must be held in trust until she marries. William Wentworth, a young farmer, needs $1,000 badly. He called at Blake's office and Blake sends him a broker, but Wentworth is unable to obtain a loan. Returning to Blake's office, Wentworth meets Mary as she is leaving the lawyer's office. She asks him if he is married, and when she learns that he is not, tells him that she will give him a thousand dollars if he will marry her at once. Wentworth, seeing a chance to save his farm, agrees. Immediately after they are married Mary informs Wentworth that their acquaintanceship must end forthwith. Two crooks set Mary down for their victim. They intend to purchase a cheap tract of land, which will be salted with oil. As they are out in the country looking for a prospective piece of property Wentworth chances to overhear their conversation. He warns Blake of Mary's peril. Both Blake and Mary have come to realize that at the present rate of expenditure her inheritance will soon be dissipated. And it occurs to Blake that it would be the best thing for the girl if she should lose her money and be forced to come in contact with a hard and unsympathetic world. To this effect, he schemes with Wentworth, and Mary finally receives a letter from Blake, in which he states that among some of her uncle's papers he has found a note regarding the purchase of oil property, which when developed, should be worth a fortune. Mary, worrying over the decrease in her bank account, becomes enthused over the proposition. Having deeded over the tract of land to a friend, Mary purchases it, and in so doing spends practically all her money. A little later, Blake notifies her that a dreadful mistake has been made, and that the land that she has bought is absolutely worthless. With the passing of months, Mary is forced to give up her handsome home and move to humbler quarters. While Blake, with the money that Mary has paid out for the land safely put away, watches developments with interest, intending to refund her money when she is thoroughly cured. Meantime, Wentworth has gotten into further difficulties with the land sharks, and finally he loses his farm, and is forced to seek employment in the city. Mary has also become reduced to her last cent. Entering a small restaurant one day, Blake chances to look up and behind the cashier's desk he sees Mary. Then he finds that the man waiting on him is Wentworth. Then one day Mary tells Wentworth that once he said that he wished she was a poor girl - but Wentworth realizes that while they are man and wife, and that he loves her, he can say nothing, knowing that she still has wealth. He decides that it is time that the money should be returned to her, and so advises Blake. In the reception room, at the lawyer's office, Mary overhears the two men talking. She bursts in, learns of the scheme that has been played upon her, and angrily denounces Wentworth, who leaves. But Blake soothes her, stating that it was only done for the best, a deduction that Mary has already formed herself as regards her losing her money. Blake comes to Wentworth and tells him that a friend of his has just purchased a farm, and is looking for a manager. He adds that he thinks Wentworth can obtain the position, and Wentworth accompanies him - back to his own former farm, which he soon discovers has been purchased by Mary - and that it is she who wants him as a manager. Moving Picture World, April 15, 1916
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