Bumble's Job

Release Date:   April 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Phil Walsh
Writer(s):   Karl Coolidge, Karl Coolidge,
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Hugh Bennett, Simone Cavens, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Professor Bumble, the absent-minded master of Corncenter School, whose attendance is composed chiefly of the seven little Bumbles, is visited by the Inspector, who picks a case of measles and discharges Bumble for neglect. Returning home, the professor reads Miss Highbrow's advertisement for an instructor at her school. While writing this application, the professor dozes and dreams he receives the appointment. He encounters many difficulties because he is not prepared to meet requirements: he finds physical culture physical torture until he turns to the point where he is able to beat up the inspector. The professor is reinstated for a diagnosis proves the marks on the girl's face to be dirt instead of measles. - Moving Picture World, April 8, 1916
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