Ranger of Lonesome Gulch

Release Date:   March 31, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Thomas Chatterton
Confirmed Cast:   Thomas Chatterton, Anna Little, Al Fordyce, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
The Ranger of Lonesome Gulch Frank, the ranger of Lonesome Gulch, loves Nell, the daughter of Davis, a retired college professor, living on a western ranch. Although Nell cares for Frank, and he proposes to her periodically, she can never quite decide to marry him and puts him off until she shall finish a novel which she is writing. The novel is finished and accepted, subject to some changes which the publishers wish to consult her about and she goes East, leaving Frank lonely, but happy with the reminder that she will think seriously of marrying when she returns. Nell meets Watson, an illustrator, who returns with her to get material for illustrations for the book. Watson finds out that Davis has money and determines to marry his daughter. Frank discovers a letter written by Watson disclosing his intentions and escorts him to the train at gunpoint. Frank determines to teach Nell a lesson by staying away. The cowboys are giving a barbecue on Nell's birthday and Nell rides over to Frank's station to find out what is the matter. Frank accuses her of intending to marry Watson, and although she assures him that she has always loved him, Frank is obdurate and Nell goes away crestfallen. She is attacked on the road by a band of drunken horse traders, who have stolen the wine from the barbecue. She takes refuge in Frank's cabin and he defends her to the last cartridge. The drunks are too many for him and are breaking down the door; so Frank, agrees with Nell to shoot her with the last cartridge, rather than let her fall into a worse fate. The cowboys, who have followed the horse traders in search of the wine, arrive too late to prevent the tragedy. Nell is taken home to die and Frank goes mad and wanders away. Nell's life in the open has fortified her to resist death, however, and she recovers and eventually finds Frank, who has been cared for by some trappers. His reason returns, and Nell is no longer in doubt. Moving Picture World, April 1, 1916
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