
Release Date:   March 30, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Arthur Maude
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Constance Crawley, Arthur Maude, William Carroll, Nell Franzen, Sylvia Ashton, Robert Klein,
Story Summary:
Against the wishes of her father, Lieutenant Colonel Schwartz, Magda decides to leave her small German hometown and study music in Paris, where she falls in love with Karl Von Kellar. Karl soon tires of Magda, however, and leaves her, even though she is pregnant. Then, after the birth of her child, Magda becomes an opera star, and returns home during one of her tours. Her father, who disowned her when she left, has softened somewhat, but insists nonetheless that she marry Karl, who consents to the match. When Karl demands that the child be kept a secret, however, Magda calls off the wedding plans, after which her father dies from the strain brought on by her rebelliousness. Then, Magda returns to Paris, where she meets Karl once again and finally is reconciled with him. -AFI
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