Trunk an' Trouble, A

Release Date:   March 29, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, Dick Rosson, Queenie Rosson, A. Thompson, Earl Montgomery,
Story Summary:
Ruth is jealous of her hubby Walt. She catches him making love to the photo of a girl friend of hers, and Walt beats it out of the house. After his departure, Ruth receives a letter from her girl friend, the photo of whom caused all the trouble, in which Mabel states that she is glad Ruth has been able to find an apartment nearby, and she and her hubby are coming at once to spend their honeymoon. Mabel and Bob arrive at the depot. Bob is so enthused over married life that he is constantly forgetting his suitcase. At the depot he chances to set it down for a second and forgets it. While Bob goes back for the suitcase, Mabel waits. Walt is about to commit suicide by letting the train run over him when he sees the original of the girl whose photo he admired so much. She also sees him and thinking that she is about to witness a suicide - starts to faint. Walt runs over and grabs her just in time to prevent her falling. Bob, also a jealous person, comes back with the suitcase and sees a strange man embracing his wife. Walt beats it, and Bob chases after him. Nearby an express wagon has broken down, spilling trunks and suitcases and spilling Mabel's dog. With Bob in close pursuit, Walt comes along, sees the dog trunk open, and as a last resort, jumps into and closes it. The expressman gets the stuff back on the wagon and starts off. When Mabel and Bob arrive at Ruth's apartment, Ruth is dressing, and tells them to wait just a minute. Bob has forgotten the suitcase again and starts back after it. The expressman arrives, and Mabel has her trunk put in her apartment which is directly opposite Ruth's. Inside the trunk is Walt. The girl's pet the "dog" through the hinged door. Mabel confesses to Ruth that she has one secret vice that she has not told Bob. She likes her little puffs of cigarettes. She takes out one and induces Ruth to try one also. Returning with the suitcase, Bob is stopped on the street by a lady kidnapper who hands him a baby, asking him to hold it for just a minute. As the woman doesn't return, Bob resolves to take the baby home. The baby has been kidnapped by Krooked Kate, who has detectives on her trail. She follows Bob and the detectives follow her to the apartment house. Cigarettes don't agree with Ruth and getting sick, she returns to her apartment. Mabel hears Bob, is afraid to let him know she has been smoking, and hastily throws her cigarette down. It falls into a waste paper basket near by the trunk. Mabel then admits Bob who sniffs the air and smells smoke. He begins to accuse Mabel of having a man in her room. The cigarette meantime has started the waste paper basket burning. Walt, in the trunk, is getting pretty warm by this time. Bob is still accusing Mabel when they see a fire has started. Krooked Kate enters and grabs the baby. The detectives appear in the hallway. Bob rushes out to get the fire extinguishers. Smoke is seen coming from the trunk where Walt is smoking a cigarette dropped there by Ruth. The extinguishers are turned on and Walt is driven out and explanations follow. - Moving Picture World, April 1, 1916
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