Bubbles and the Barber

Release Date:   March 26, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Talbot, Orral Humphrey, Gladys Kingsbury, William Tedmarsh, Ward MacAllister, John Gough, E. Watt,
Story Summary:
The Bubbles have grown rich on soap and their limousine is crested with a monogrammed bar of soap. Mrs. Bubbles has social aspirations and plans to marry their daughter, Sophia, to a title. She wins Bubbles' consent and he telephones to the International Marriage Bureau where the broker promises to produce a count by eight that night. The temperamental tonsoralist, M. Fidgetti, bows his last customer out and is approached by the marriage broker, who proposes that he pass as a count. For a financial consideration, Fidgetti consents and goes to his hotel where he provides himself with a dress suit from the clothes line below his window, and stops at the wine room to celebrate his good fortune with a couple of friends. He forgets his engagement with the Bubbles and they wait. Some of the guests play cards and sing and the "last customer" drowses and goes to sleep. Bubbles phones the broker, who rushes off to find Fidgetti's place closed, and in desperation, he grabs a waiter in a beanery ad presses him into service. The waiter arrives and is accepted with some disappointment and misgiving by father and mother and Sophia, whose figure is her fortune and whose face is her misfortune. Mrs. Bubbles is "for" the count despite his frayed appearance. Fidgetti finds the Bubbles' card in his pocket, wakes up, hitches his old nag head first to his wagon and starts at top speed for the Bubble mansion. He discovers the impostor through the window and while he is talking and gesticulating, Fidgetti manages to drop a blackhand warning into his hand which causes him to flee. Fidgetti then makes his entrance and is eager to claim Sophia, whose elegant form he has seen through the window. She has fainted during the excitement and bending over her, he glimpses her face - too late. She comes to and clasps him frantically about the neck and he resigns himself to fate. The commotion wakens the "last customer" who identifies Fidgetti as the barber and Bubbles gives him the choice between Sophia and jail. Sophia faints again as Fidgetti is led away. - Moving Picture World, March 25, 1916
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