
Release Date:   March 19, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Phil Walsh
Writer(s):   Karl Coolidge, Karl Coolidge,
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Professor Doolittle completes his treatise on "The Origin of Tattooing," and sends it off to the publishers in a dray. His somewhat absent-minded devotions to Mrs. Floursack are interrupted by the arrival of a letter advising that he has been left a legacy of $100, and requesting him to go to the city to claim it. He delights his ladylove by announcing that they will be married as soon as he gets the money. In the city, he runs up against the "tipping system." He looks like easy money, and is worked to the limit, down the line of porters, bus drivers, bellhops, chambermaids, etc. He finally reaches the lawyer only to find that he is not the right Doolittle, and the money has been paid to another man. He returns to his waiting bride-to-be, broken in spirit and in purse, and is being consoled by her, when a telegram arrives telling him that his book has been accepted and the publishers are sending a large check in advance. In lieu of change, he gives the messenger, the only one who really deserved a tip, his watch and is folded in Mrs. Floursack's generous embrace. - Moving Picture World, March 18, 1916
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