Suppressed Order, The

Release Date:   March 14, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Kenneth Clarke,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
The Suppressed Order Tobias Phillips, proprietor of the village tavern, is a greedy, loose-principled man, who resorts to any means that will result in profit. He exploits the charm of his daughter, Jasimine, to make welcome the young men of the town as guests. Hugh Bradford, one of the guests, and Jasimine fall in love, but Bradford, Sr., objects to his son's attentions to the tavern keeper's daughter. Jasimine is devoted to her brother, Allan, a studious fellow, and Mammy June, lovingly domineers over both of them. Jesse Semple seeks favor from Jasimine's hands by irregular paths. Jesse's advances meet the proper rebuff, and his actions remain unsuspected, partly through his wary methods and partly through Jasimine's pride in hiding any such attitude toward her. The forthcoming Civil War is naturally the subject of conversation. At the outbreak, all of them enlist with the exception of Allan, and into a troop under the command of Bradford, Sr., known as Bradford's Raiders they gather and engage in surprise expeditions to harass the enemy's lines. Allan is persuaded to the cause of the North and goes to the Union army where because of his knowledge of the Southern territory he is engaged in special secret service work. His earnest appeal gains the reluctant consent of Jasimine to aid him in his work. Jasimine lends her support until a realization of her love for HUgh also commands a loyalty to his cause. In the end, Allan is committed to a plan of allowing false papers, which he carries to be captured by the Confederates, leading them into a trap for the specific purpose of crushing Bradford's troops of raiders. Allan proceeds against his will. He discloses the plan to Jasimine at the tavern during a secret night visit. Hugh has appointed the tavern as a meeting place with Jesse that same night. Jesse arrives a little before the appointed hour and discovers Allan's presence. He enters and bargains with Jasimine for her favor as the price of his silence and the release of Allan. Allan overhears and a fight ensues in which Jesse is killed and Allan mortally wounded. Jasimine pleads her willingness to make her sacrifice in an effort to induce Allan to destroy the false papers and save Hugh's troop. Allan tears up the papers. Hugh enters and discovers Jesse's death. Just as Jasimine is explaining to Hugh that Allan has spoiled the trap laid against him and pleads for Allan's release and freedom, Allan expires from his wound. The story concludes with the close of the war and portrays Jasimine and Hugh leaving the church after their marriage and starting out to face the reconstruction period. Moving Picture World, March 18, 1916
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