True Nobility

Release Date:   March 09, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Writer(s):   Clifford Howard,
Confirmed Cast:   Charles Newton, Marie Van Tassell, E. Taylor, Helene Rosson, Eugenia Forde, Harry McCabe, Lizette Thorne, Harry Von Meter, Perry Banks,
Story Summary:
Phil Burton, a farmer's son, attends Harvard College, training to be a mining engineer. While prospecting in the hills near his home, he meets an old prospector who dies and leaves his mine to Phil. The only other living heir is his long-lost niece. Back in New York, Phil meets Count Nicasio, his wife Claudia, and her sister Jean, with whom Phil falls in love. Devlin, a business associate, also is courting Jean. Phil's childhood friend Effie is discovered to be the mining heiress when Devlin tries to steal the property from her, and Devlin's dishonest character is exposed by Phil. Eventually, Phil and Jean marry and Effie receives her rightful fortune. -AFI
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