First Stone, The

Release Date:   March 20, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Irving Cummings, Virginia Kirtley, Joseph Harris, Webster Campbell, Fred Gamble,
Story Summary:
Mary Carr, deserted just before the birth of her child by a man who has misled her, finds refuge with Doctor Hardy, at the time when Rev. Arthur Johnson orders his son Ernest from home on account of disgraceful behavior. Years later, Mary becomes a governess of the children of John Steel, a wealthy widower, but when Steel begins to show her attentions, Rev. Arthur informs him of the girl’s past and tells Mary that she has no right to win the love of an honest man. Next day the Rev. Arthur learns to his horror, by the confession of his dying son that it was his own boy who had brought about Mary’s ruin and, after confessing all to Steel, rights the wrong he had done Mary by marrying her to Steel. - Motography, April 3, 1915, p. 544.
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