Haunting Memory, The

Release Date:   March 02, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Irving Cummings,
Confirmed Cast:   Virginia Kirtley, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble, Gladys Kingsbury, Irving Cummings,
Story Summary:
A pretty Beauty production in which Irving Cummings and Virginia Kirtley are featured. Cummings appears as Roderigo Perragini, who, when his sick mother dies when he is a lad of fifteen, she being deserted by her husband, swears that he will always remember the face of his father and some day wreak vengeance on him. Fifteen years later, under the nom de plume of Nicholas Celia, he is famous as a great cellist, and while playing at a social function sees and recognizes his father in a man who is introduced to him as the husband of his wealthy hostess. When later he is asked to play for this society woman, he is surprised alone with her by her husband, but, playing an air from "The Bohemian Girl," which had always been a favorite with his father, he surprises the husband into confessing that he is no other than Enrico Perragini, and Nicholas then discloses the fact that he is his son and informs the wife of her husband's previous desertion of the other woman. -Motography, March 6, 1915, p. 379.
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