Heart of Flame

Release Date:   March 01, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Marie Layet,
Confirmed Cast:   David Lythgoe, Harry Von Meter, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Charlotte Burton, William Eason, William Vaughan,
Story Summary:
Keith Gordon, a young violinist, the protege of Von Ezdorf, an old music teacher, has acquired the magic touch, but lacks "the heart of flame." His teacher tells him it will surely come. Maylenheimer, the impresario, through long friendship for Von Ezdorf, agrees to hear young Keith play, and is so impressed that he offers to contract for a concert tour which will bring both fame and fortune to the young violinist. Keith, longing for the open, begs his teacher to take a trip to the top of a nearby mountain. Proceeding on horseback, they stop at the "Silver Star Inn," a rough log cabin, conducted by Nita, an old gypsy woman. Keith, while fishing in the woods, meets Zira, a mountain girl. While roaming the woods together they meet Checo, a savage gypsy knife thrower, in love with Zira, who vows vengeance on Keith and plots with old Nita, the inn keeper, for his destruction. Von Esdorf, coming upon Keith and Zira in the mountain wildness, is enraptured with the wild melody Keith is playing. Von Ezdorf claims it is genius, but Keith claims he is inspired by "his heart of flame" as he calls Zira. Having outstayed their time, Von Ezdorf receives a letter from Malenheimer demanding their immediate return, and Keith reluctantly departs, promising Zira that he will return. They exchange tokens, vowing their love. Returning to the city, Keith makes his debut, playing his own composition, The Heart of Flame. His success is assured and Von Ezdorf is happy, but Keith turns indifferent to the praise showered upon him. Continually thinking of Zira, he decides that he will return to the mountain, and so tells Von Ezdorf. Thinking only of Keith's career, Von Ezdorf determines to thwart his plans by informing Zira that his genius belongs to the public, and that if she really loves him she should give him up. This she agrees to do. True to her promise, Zira informs Keith that she has made a great mistake and really loves Checo. Keith departs, bewildered and downhearted, and Checo, who overheard their conversation, advances his unwelcome love. During a struggle Checo accidently received a slight knife wound, which so enrages him that he vows to kill Keith at once. Beppo, a gypsy girl, who is jealous of Zira, overheard Checo and Nita plotting, and informs Zira of Keith's danger. Zira follows Checo to the city, and at the stage entance finds him with drawn knife making his way through the crowd of admirers which surround Keith. As he raises his arm to throw his knife Zira springs upon Checo, and in the struggle he stabs her. Keith, advancing to the prostrate form, recognizes his sweetheart, and, gathering the body in his arms, carries her to his dressing room. Overcome with grief, Keith acts as if in a trance, unconscious of all around him. Not knowing the delay, the audience clamors for Keith's appearance. Von Ezdorf and Maylenheimer plead with Keith to go on, as the audience is leaving. Von Ezdorf's pleadings stir Keith to his duty, and he consents to appear on the stage. With a heart full of sorrow he renders his selections to the delight of his audience. Returning to his dressing room, his grief is complete, and closing the door he gives vent to his sorrow over the body of his "heart of flame." - Moving Picture World, March 6, 1915
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