Truth of Fiction, The

Release Date:   March 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Henry Otto,
Confirmed Cast:   Anna Kromann, Winnifred Greenwood, George Morrison, George Field, John Steppling, William Bertram, Frank Nicely, Carl Morrison,
Story Summary:
Following a big roundup, Rancher Burton gives the cowboys a holiday. They entertain Margaret Terry, a writer of fiction, who is in search of local color for a story with daring feats of horsemanship. During the entertainment May, the rancher's daughter, becomes jealous of the attention paid Miss Terry by Charles, and in a moment of pique, agrees to elope with Jack, the ranch foreman, to spite her lover. The authoress, returning to the ranch house, is in time to intercept the impulsive May. In the meantime the sheriff arrives with papers for the arrest of Jack on a charge of wife abandonment and cattle stealing in another state. Jack escapes. Returning to her stable, Miss Terry uses her observations, the ranch as the theme for a novel using Charles as the hero and May and the foreman as two characters, calling the story "A Game of Three." Copies of the first edition arrive at the ranch and both Charles and May in reading them find visualized in the pages of the story their own love affair, and they are brought together. - Moving Picture World, March 13, 1915
Unique Occurences
This was Anna Kromann's debut with the Flying A.
Additional Info

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