Madonna, The

Release Date:   June 29, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Mrs. Shipley,
Confirmed Cast:   Rea Berger, Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, Robert Burns, Jimsey Eason,
Story Summary:
The cruelty and general worthlessness of John Middleton causes the death of his wife at the time their baby is born. On her death-bed, Edna leaves the babe in care of her sister Gertie, warning Gertie in her dying breath to keep the child from its father. An artist in search of models for his picture, the madonna and child, engages Gertie with the infant. The picture fascinates him and the purity it symbolizes leads the young man to regeneration. In his breast awakened a new sense of life, and he seeks out the girl and the babe who posed for the painting. He comes upon Gertie and the child, happy in their poverty, and falls in love with the "substitute mother," as Gertie styles herself. Meanwhile John Middleton, who had fled before his wife's death, returns. He showers unwelcome attentions on Gertie, then takes away the baby, declaring he will not return the infant until Gertie consents to marry him. Then Bob comes on the scene, finding Gertie, his sweetheart, in tears. In grim determination he sets out to recover the child. When he discovers that Middleton, the father, is a man he knows as a thief, Bob has no difficulty in persuading him (Middleton) to give over the child. As the handsome Bob places the infant in Gertie's happy arms he declared his love and vows to love and protect Gertie and the baby. - Moving Picture World, June 26, 1915
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