By Whose Hand?

Release Date:   June 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Mystery
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Mollie Schafer,
Confirmed Cast:   George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, Charles Bartlett, John Steppling, Frank Nicely, Lillian Knight, William Bertram, George Morrison,
Story Summary:
Chester Rowe has committed robbery and murder. He seeks safety in flight to the mountains, where he meets and falls in love with Lottie Toby. Lottie returns his love, in a measure, and Oliver, a cripple, becomes insanely jealous. He sets out with his trusty gun, bent on revenge. Meanwhile Lottie's father receives word that $1000 awaits him at the post office. He sets out to claim the money. The unscrupulous Rowe, learning of Mr. Toby's mission, plans to rob him of the money. Oliver, the cripple, comes upon Rowe as he is stealing upon Mr. Toby. The elder man, at the same time, turns and his eyes fall on Rowe about to attack him. Both Toby and Oliver shoot, simultaneously, and Rowe falls dead in his tracks. Oliver thinks he has killed Rowe. He hides the body in an out of the way ruin. Jack, who is Toby's helper, finds Toby unconscious from a bullet wound. The sheriff arrives and the luckless Jack is accused of attacking his employer. Jack and Toby are taken to Toby's house. Toby's hat is left behind, and Oliver discovers it. He takes the headpiece to the Toby home, where Mrs. Toby tells him of the shooting. Oliver makes to her a confession that it was he who killed Rowe. It is discovered that Jack is innocent. Then the surprising fact is found out that Toby, not Oliver, killed Rowe. It is discovered that Jack is innocent. Then the surprising fact is found out that Toby, not Oliver, killed Rowe. Toby stands trial for his act, and is acquitted on the ground of self-defense. Simultaneous with the mountain man's acquittal it is discovered that Rowe, now dead, was himself a robber and a murdered. - Moving Picture World, June 26, 1915
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