One Woman's Way

Release Date:   June 23, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Joseph Galbraith, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Joe Philips' sight has completely failed him. There is only one chance - an operation, the cost of which is $500. In a brave effort to secure the money, Grace, Joe's steadfast wife, takes a position in an office. Grace's beauty smites the office manager, and he showers her with unwelcome attentions. The young wife fears to offend him, however, for she may lose her position. She telephones her husband she must work at night and goes to dinner with the manager and some of his friends. Intoxicated, the manager offers $500 to any woman who will swim in the cafe fountain. The vision of of her blind husband comes to Grace. She plunges in and claims the money. She tells Joe the company is paying for his operation. It is successful. Joe goes to the president of the company to thank him. That individual, in blank amazement, tells Joe he knows nothing whereof he (Joe) speaks. Then Joe intercepts a letter from the manager to Grace. In a flash, he thinks he sees it all. He accuses Grace of infidelity, and compels her to invite the manager to come to see her at their house. The manager arrives. With drawn gun held in his shaking hand, Joe is about to murder him, when he hears the manager begging Grace to kiss him. He hears, too, the manager say that never yet has Grace been willing even to give him a kiss. Then Joe sees things as they really are. They fall into each other's arms. - Moving Picture World, June 19, 1915
Unique Occurences
This title was once used as the working title for the 1913 project "American Born."
Additional Info

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