Peggy Lynn - Burglar

Release Date:   June 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Taylor
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Joseph Galbraith, Jack Richardson, Harry Von Meter,
Story Summary:
By the death of her father, Peggy Lynn is lefty an orphan. She enters the home of a band of crooks, under whose evil influence she lives for fifteen years. In all this time she knows no friend except Andy, a hunchback, who grows to love the very ground that Peggy walks on. The thieves decide that Peggy must earn her keep, so she is sent to rob the home of Terrill, a young millionaire, believed to be out of town. Peggy enters Terrill's home. There she finds the young man critically ill and alone. A doctor, who pronounced the case smallpox, had been struck by a lightning bolt. The servants, at mention of the dread disease, had fled. At once Peggy forgets her mission of crime. Her only thought is to bring the young man back to health. For two weeks she battles the malady. She wins. Terrill is himself again, believing all the while that Peggy is a nurse sent by the doctor. Peggy returns to the thieves' den. The crooks had committed a big robbery and fled. Peggy enters the house just as the police come. With stolen goods all about her, she is arrested as a criminal. At her trial, Terrill, whose life she saved, comes to her aid. By his testimony and influence, Peggy is acquitted. There in the crowded court room, Terrill declares his love. Peggy declares herself unworthy and refuses him. Meanwhile, Peggy's criminal companions decide again to rob the Terrill home. Peggy, at great risk, runs to warn Terrill. She comes upon Big Lew, the master crook, doing the job himself. Big Lew pounces on Terrill, throws him into the safe. Then he makes for Peggy, when inspectors, sent by the stricken doctor, arrives upon the scene. Big Lew is captured. Then Peggy, with the inspectors declare that Terrill's malady was not smallpox, but their announcement goes unheeded. Terrill declares his love a second time. Peggy has renounced the crooks and feels free to accept Terrill's love. Poor Andy, the hunchback, jealous of the happy Terrill, is conciliated by the honor of being the best man at the wedding. - Moving Picture World, June 19, 1915
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