Her Musical Cook

Release Date:   June 16, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Wallace MacDonald, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Wallace is an ambitious young author, who has sought the quiet of an apartment hotel where he may write in undisturbed peace. Wallace is writing busily when he hears the rasping voice of a would-be prima donna, accompanied by an unbearable tinkling of off-key piano notes. The voice and the piano drive him wild. He buys a phonograph, hoping, by sheer mechanical noise, to shame the singer into silence, but to no avail. In desperation, he decides to take a short vacation. Before leaving, however, he yields to the impulse to place a sarcastic note under the door of the apartment whence comes the disturbance. Nan, unknown to Wallace, lives in the adjoining apartment with her faithful cook. Coincidentally with Wallace's departure, Nan receives an urgent invitation to visit her uncle. She and Wallace encounter each other en route, in humorous fashion, and it is discovered that both are to visit the same summer resort. They become acquainted and their acquaintance ripens to love. They become engaged, neither discovering that they live in next door apartments. Wallace is called back to the city. Later Nan returns, and the faithful cook hands her the missive that Wallace has slipped under the door. Nan is insulted. Then she discovers the identity of the writer, and would cut him, her fiance from her acquaintance, but she becomes entangles in an awkward position, in which Wallace finds her. Repeated knockings at the door bring the cook into the hallway. She is singing at the top of her voice. Wallace discovers that it is the cook to whose musical performances he objected. A hasty explanation is made, with due apologies, and Nan and the young author, as man and wife, live happily. - Moving Picture World, June 12, 1915
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