Mollycoddle, The

Release Date:   June 15, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   M. McKinstry,
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, Rea Berger, Frank Knight,
Story Summary:
Betty is in love with Jimmy Sterling, but her father insists that she marry Alex Smart, a rich pork packer. A professor calls him a mollycoddle. Jimmy goes to Betty’s father and he tells the boy that if he will live in the woods for thirty days attired in nothing but a bathing suit and come out at the end of that time respectfully clad and in physical condition he can have Betty’s hand in marriage. Jimmy goes into the woods and manages to live. Alex Smart scents a rat, goes into the woods, and here Jimmy makes him take off his clothes, don the bathing suit and be his servant until the thirty days are up. He emerges from the woods at the end of the thirty days and is given Betty. - Motography, June 19, 1915, p. 1031.
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