His Obligation

Release Date:   June 14, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, Frank Thorne, Lizette Thorne, Hugh Bennett,
Story Summary:
Mary Lehner, the daughter of the village blacksmith, believes Ralph Moore an upright man. Instead, Moore is of a type that well might be termed the social reptile. Taking advantage of the blacksmith father's hospitality, Moore lives under the Lehner roof while his automobile is being repaired. He regards Mary as a plaything. The two spend happy days in each other's company. Then Moore returns to the city. Time passes. Moore fails to return to claim Mary. The grief-stricken girl has a secret and rather than bear the humiliation of revealing it, she leaves her parents' home and seeks a living in the large city. All goes fairly well until the baby is born, then Mary finds herself unable to obtain employment, where the babe can be near her. At length in almost a wilderness she comes upon a deserted shack, shunned by all because of rumors of haunting spirits. That same night Ralph Moore quarrels with his wealthy fiancee, and with some men companions, he goes to a drinking room. Moore becomes intoxicated, and while in this state essays to accompany two young woman on an automobile ride. He becomes insulting to one of the girls, and she forces him to leave the car. He is left standing in the roadway while the girls drive off. He comes out of his drunken stupor, and wanders along the highway, seeking a place where he may stay until morning. In the distance he sees a deserted house and makes at once toward it. He enters. A voice startles him. It is a woman's voice asking him to start a fire. He complies, then falls back aghast when the flames illumine the sorrow-lined features of Mary. Tearfully Mary tells him of her shame, of her flight from home, of her struggles against great odds, for herself and her baby - their baby. A great light dawns of Ralph. For the first time in his gay life he awakens to his obligation. Folding the girl in his arms he begs for forgiveness. Mary's tears are tears of joy, for she and her babe are lifted to their rightful social plane. - Moving Picture World, June 12, 1915
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