Redemptions of the Jasons, The

Release Date:   June 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Webster Campbell, Neva Gerber, Frank Cooley, Rea Berger, Gladys Kingsbury,
Story Summary:
Alice James, an attractive young mother, is unable to support her little child. After a struggle with her emotions, she concludes to leave the babe at the door of Jerry and Jim Jason, two bachelors, who she knows will take the best of care of the infant. Tearfully the young mother takes this step, convincing herself that it is for the best, and sets out on her daily search for employment. The Jasons are delighted with the baby, but how shall they take care of it. In their clumsy masculine way they try to minister to the little one's wants. Then the absurdity of their efforts overcomes them and they advertise for a nursemaid. Alice, the heartsick mother, sees the advertisement and applies for the position. She is employed and with a happy heart she sets about caring for the child. So kind and loving is she for the little one, and so cheerful about the home, that both the brother bachelors are smitten with affection for her. Then the gossip sets in. Alice has been seen by an old maid receiving kisses from a strange man. The brothers Jason investigate, then demand an explanation. Alice admits a young man kissed her. He is Tom, her husband! Tom, returned from a search for health, as hale and as hearty as before his sickness. The Jasons cannot part with the child. All ends happily when the two bachelors arrange to employ both Tom and Alice permanently, that the companionship of the little child may continue to brighten their two lonely and loveless lives. - Moving Picture World, June 12, 1915
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