Little Chrysanthemum

Release Date:   June 01, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Gladys Kingsbury, Kathryn Wilson, Rea Berger, Webster Campbell,
Story Summary:
Mrs. Leighton and daughter, Marion, while traveling in Japan met a little Japanese orphan girl, Little Chrysanthemum, whom they prevailed to accompany them to the United States. Little Chrysanthemum is made much of by Mrs. Leighton's social friends. Mrs. Leighton's son, Bob, is especially thoughtful and showers upon the little Japanese girl attentions of every kind which she mistakes for love. Bob Leighton is engaged to be married and upon it's announcement Little Chrysanthemum realizes the false position in which she now stands, and the weight of this grief causes her to take her own life. The climax is reached when the household discover the little Japanese girl dead with a note of explanation beside her. - Moving Picture World, May 29, 1915
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