Reprisal, The

Release Date:   May 26, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Lizette Thorne, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
Certain political ambitions lead Judge Green to endeavor to influence the policy of the city's leading newspaper, but John Giles, the editor, although engaged to the judge's daughter, Edna, refuses his support to anything but "clean politics," and the judge is backed by a corrupt political machine which is receiving the attention of the grand jury. The judge, knowing the political opinion of his prospective son-in-law, informs his daughter that he will never consent to their marriage unless the young man changes his views. At the suggestion of Dan Parks, a boss, a personal appeal is made to Editor Giles, after he has turned a deaf ear to all telephone entreaties. Even his sweetheart's appeal, which follows her father's telephone talk, is of not avail. The visit of the judge and his party nearly results in blows, but Paul gradually calms down and the party leaves in disgust. Soon after Edna calls and demands that Paul either prove her father guilty or declare him innocent or she will not allow him to see or speak to her again. Paul, however, is determined to carry out his principle and that night the politicians plot to place the editor in a compromising position with the judge's maid servant. However, Edna overhears the conspirators and forces the servant into a closet while she presents herself heavily veiled in the servant's place. In the meantime, the judge has telephoned the rival paper to send their best reporter and the plotters proceed to Paul's house. Sending the girl ahead with a story that she has been taken suddenly ill, the judge's party wait until Paul has invited her inside the house to rest until a taxi can be called and then storm the front door for admittance. Edna begs to be hidden in a closet and as she is unknown to Paul he complies. On entering the room the politicians demand where he has put his fair companion and taunt Paul with the prospective headlines in the morning papers. The unsuspecting man realizes that he is in an awkward position and is about to accept their terms when everyone is startled by the appearance of the girl, who throws back her veil and informs her hearers that she has been secretly married to Paul for several months. Her father is dumbfounded but is convinced by the wedding ring of her finger and uncomfortably leaves the room, but not until his daughter has given him the key to the servant's closet where she locked her in. - Moving Picture World, May 22, 1915
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