Dad's College Widow

Release Date:   March 05, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Phil Walsh
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Lucille Ward, Dick Rosson, Simone Cavens,
Story Summary:
Nathaniel Pettibone is a well-to-do banker in a small town. His sister, Mehetable, keeps house for him. Nathaniel, Junior, is off at college and he and his classmate, Edgar Grayson, imagine themselves in love with Flavia Pearson, “the college widow.” Edgar then decided to take matters in hand and writes an anonymous letter to Nathaniel, Senior, that his son is falling in love “with a woman old enough to be his mother.” As calculated, the letter stirs the “old man” into action and he and his sister leave for the college town. Arrived, Nathaniel, Sr., leaves Mehetable at the hotel, the while he goes to make a call on the boys, both of whom he finds engrossed in their studies. He discovers that each is the owner of a framed photograph of “the lady in the case” and asks about the original in a casual, conversational manner. Nathaniel Junior tells who she is, and the “old man” suggests that they call upon her. This is speedily arranged by the obliging son, but Edgar pleads studies as an excuse for not going. During their call father suggests a bite to eat, but at a sign from Nathaniel Junior, the “widow” demures, saying that she seldom goes anywhere. The callers leave shortly and father asks son where there is a good cabaret, but of course son doesn’t know. Father is wise and doesn’t say anything, but asks the first policeman he meets. Nathaniel, Junior decides that he must hurry back to his studies and father goes to the cabaret alone, but on the way get a hunch. He phones the widow and insists that he will call for her in ten minutes. Son gets a similar hunch and invites her to meet him at the Louvre Café. Then Edgar, bored with study, gets a kindred hunch and extends a similar invitation. Father arrives and escorts the “widow” to the white lights. She steers father to the Louvre Café, where they come face to face with the two boys, each seated at a separate table. Father tells the waiter to see what the boys will have, but the injured and insulted pair start out. Father suggests the opera and while he is out buying some flowers for the fair lady, Narhaniel Junior, succeeds in becoming reinstated in the “widow’s” good graces. Mehetable, hungry and neglected, starts out to get some dinner and encounters young Nathaniel at the café. He hurries her into a taxi, explaining that father will be there soon, and when father appears on the scene, Nathaniel Junior, tell him “she” is waiting. Nathaniel, Senior, enters the taxi to find he has been fooled and Mehetable sharply reminds him that he needs a nurse. Moving Picture World, March 4, 1916, p. 1538, 1540.
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