
Release Date:   March 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Arthur Maude
Confirmed Cast:   Constance Crawley, Arthur Maude, Nell Franzen, William Carroll,
Story Summary:
After doctors tell her that a pregnancy could kill her, Rhea Woodley offers her husband Martin a divorce, so that he can find someone with whom to lead a normal married life. Martin turns her down, however, and so, to give him his freedom, she pretends to be in love with Wesley Strange. As a result, Martin obtains a divorce, while a depressed Rhea goes to a sanitarium. Doctors there agree that the only way to save her life is to let her care for a motherless baby. Meanwhile, Martin discovers in Rhea's diary that her affair with Wesley had been just a ruse. He rushes to her, and they decide to get married once again and to adopt the baby for whom Rhea has been the surrogate mother. -AFI
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