Johnny's Jumble

Release Date:   March 01, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   John Sheehan, Carol Holloway, John Steppling, Marie Van Tassell, Mary Talbot, Rea Berger, Dick Rosson,
Story Summary:
The cook decides to leave and Johnny and Carol are in a dilemma, for word comes that Uncle and Aunt are coming for a visit. So Johnny rushes to the employment agency to look for a cook and Carol rushes to town to look for a dress. Arrived at the building in which the employment agency is located, Johnny stumbles over the janitor cleaning the floor and breaks into the wrong door—a matrimonial bureau. Thinking he is in the employment agency, he picks out a female who assures him that she will cook, scrub, wash and stay in nights. He takes this paragon home with him where he sets her to work cooking the dinner. She, displaying unusual thoughtfulness, telephones for the minister. Her big brother is also invited to the wedding, and in the intervals of waiting for dinner to cook, she alternately tries on Carol’s new clothes and attempts to correct Johnny, who imagines she is “nutty.” Mary’s brother and his friend arrive and she leaves them in the kitchen, telling them to stay there until she calls them. Johnny sees Carol returning with aunt and uncle and thrusts the crazy cook into the bedroom and locks the door. Carol insists upon knowing why the door is locked and he tells her he has a little surprise for her. The first convenient moment he telephones the police that he has an insane person in his home. The minister, whom Johnny fires out the front door, goes ‘round to the back and tells his troubles to brother. Johnny goes into the bedroom to placate the crazy woman and is discovered by his horrified relatives. Mary clings fondly to Johnny and brother produces the minister, insisting on an immediate marriage. The police find aunty gesticulating wildly and start away with her. She gets free and returns to her Johnny’s explanation and saves him from being a bigamist. - Moving Picture World, March 4, 1916, p. 1538
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