Cooking His Goose

Release Date:   February 27, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Nate Watt
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, Gladys Kingsbury,
Story Summary:
Ima is a bachelor whose love of whiskey is only exceeded by his love of pie. The local eat house goes broke and the bachelors of the neighborhood are compelled to cook their own grub. Ima stands in for a while until he eats a morsel at Mrs. Banks', which she informs him has been cooked by "my darter Liza." He then finds he loves Liza with his whole stomach, and for fear some other gay Lothario will capture this culinary treasure, he marries her. Ima's state of mind can be imagined when he discovers that Liza is a base deceiver as to her culinary capabilities and the only things she can cook are pork and beans - the latter according to the labels on the cans, already prepared under strict, scientific and antiseptic conditions. His bitter disappointment drives him to drink and to the horror of Liza, he returns to the connubial hearth blissfully intoxicated. Even a bad cook will turn at last, and driven desperate by Ima's unkind remarks on her cooking, her mother's cooking, she reaches for the whiskey bottle and vents her anger on Ima's head. As the last flicker of consciousness departs, he seems to see Liza changing into an animated whiskey bottle, which, with a wicked leer, starts chasing him about. Wherever he runs, he is pursued by the bottle. At last he discovers an enormous club and attacks his erstwhile friend, and now bitter enemy. With joy he sees it shatter into a million pieces; then it unites once more and pursues him madly. Exhausted, he at length escapes to the shade of a friendly tree. Here he falls asleep only to be awakened and deluged from above, where the bottle, having climbed the tree, is pouring its contents over his aching head. He comes to and finds that Liza has revived him with the contents of a milk jug, preferring a live drunkard to a dead husband. Moving Picture World, February 26, 1916
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