Battle of Cupidovich, The

Release Date:   February 20, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   Al Santell, Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   Dick Rosson, Carol Holloway, John Steppling, John Sheehan, Mary Talbot,
Story Summary:
Billy and Cutie are sweethearts and their respective sires are friends and neighbors. The old men, having fought through a war together, take great joy in discussing the present war situation. But of a sudden Cutie's father asserts that, “If Ghardinoczx had not captured Ogradtixc, Shebinevski would have advanced to Plyntx!" The argument waxes furious, friendship is forgotten and to Billy and Cutie come commands from both headquarters to "sever relations with the enemy's ally". But the fires of love are not so easily put out, and when the elders discover their children courting over the dividing hedge, guards are immediately placed to patrol the boundary. Billy's father enlists the services of his gardener, a good old soul who hasn't the slightest desire in the world to upset romance. Cutie's father got Bridget, the old cook, to guard the girl she had raised from babyhood. Under the watchful eyes of their respective campaigns they were good guards, Bridget right on the job with her soup ladle, and the gardener doing his "duty" with his spade. Cutie's fluffy white puppy broke through the lines of Billy's lawn and Billy immediately had an idea. He pens a note, puts it under the dog's collar and pets it and sends it flying home. The note is a fake message telling Cutie to prepare for action at 8 o'clock. The anxious fathers fall for the false note and get ready for 8 o'clock. The sentries are bought off, and when Billy makes his escape at 7:30 he binds and gags the gardener, as his own request so he will have the appearance of having been overpowered. Billy makes his way to the enemy's stronghold and assists Cutie flown from her window, while Bridget does sentry duty to see they are not disturbed. They receive her blessing before binding her also. At 8 o'clock the fathers find their guns spiked. Each forces a confession from his traitorous sentry. The old gentlemen decide to combine forces and protect their joint interest and over their chessboard, with mint juleps, they get together, while Cutie and Billy pay a visit to the minister and receive his blessing. - Moving Picture World, February 19, 1916
Unique Occurences
The Library of Congress holds the only known print of thi film.
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