According to St. John

Release Date:   February 11, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Chatterton
Confirmed Cast:   Thomas Chatterton, Anna Little, Jack Richardson, Hugh Bennett,
Story Summary:
Up in the hills Ben Wolf, hard drinker and general all around "bad man", spends most of his time. Bessie Gray, the daughter os the pastor of one church, is engaged to Dick, the sheriff. Bob, her brother, is a source of great concern to his family as he has fallen in with the rough element of the little frontier town. Then a fake promoter comes to town and Dick is caught in the whirlpool of those who invest in the oil stock. He induces Bessie's father to invest his frugal savings also, believing it to be a "sure thing". Bob gambles and loses everything and he appropriates the church funds which his father keeps in trust for the church. He loses all his money to Wolf. In the evening Pastor Gray has asked Wolf to come to church, but he refuses. As he rides away from the saloon, however, he decides to accept the pastor's invitation and mounted on his horse he rides through the open door of the church; but as he starts up the aisle he pauses, for Bessie starts singing the solo. He gazes at her a moment then slowly backs out and rides off. Bob returns home early the following morning and replaces the money he took from his father. Shortly afterward the stage arrives, bringing the state treasurer, and Dick is informed that it has been held up and robbed by a masked bandit who took the treasurer's money and bags. They have a clue in a cuff button which the robber dropped. Dick's suspicions rest on Wolf, but he finds no evidence against him. Wolf, unobserved, sees Bob off in the hills the next day, caching a mail pouch, papers and money under a rock. Bessie and Dick are riding along the trail when they learn that Wall-Eyed Bill and his gang are coming to shoot up the town. Dick sends Bessie hurrying home and he goes to intercept the raiders. As Bessie gallops madly on, she falls from her horse. Wolf comes upon her and assists her to remount. Wolf's nature changes and he fights against drink. He goes to town to catch glimpses of Bessie and lurks outside the church to hear her sing. He finds her Testament, which she has dropped, and takes it home with him. Opening the book, Wolf is deeply impressed by the passage: "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:18. In town Wolf sees the placard announcing reward for the bandit, and is tempted to disclose his secret, but at thought of Bessie he changes his mind. Dick receives a staggering blow in the smash of the oil company, and at the same time is called to account by the governor for not apprehending the bandit. At this time he discovers the mate to the cuff button in Bob's possession and is torn between love and duty. Ben Wolf, realizing that there is but one way in which to spare Bessie, goes to his cabin and writes an unsigned letter to Dick, telling him that Ben Wolf in the man he wants and that if he will come to his cabin he will hand over the money. Ben then goes to Bob's cache, takes the plunder, places it in a hollow log behind his shack and waits for the sheriff. - Moving Picture World, February 12, 1916
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